
GC Herren 1: Opened the door to Final 4

Grasshopper Club Zürich - Black Boys Hockey Club Geneve --- 8:0

For the second last home game of the regular season, the GC boys welcomed the distance challengers from Geneva Black Boys Hockey Club. For the GC men, a prized and rare achievement was up for grabs, securing a place in the Final 4 playoffs for the first time in over a decade. Energy was high, excitement was high but so were expectations against the freshly promoted club Black Boys.

The game started as expected from both sides, not much pressure or risky plays. However, the GC had control for most of the early match. It didn't take long to begin the scoring as a midline intercept found its way to Landtwing beating the keeper for an easy pass to Poulastrou for the conversion. Shortly after giving the assist, it was Landtwing’s turn, running a cutting arc through the middle and hitting the backboard with a hard forehand shot. To finish off the first half, Max Oswald further concreted the GC men’s lead with a close-range back stick shot past the Black Boys keeper.

How the first half ended set the tone and pace for the second half starting quickly with more goals. Landtwing added another to his tally, as well as Harte, Eddy and two from Von Ruffer to close out the match with a solid 8 goals to 0.

With these three points, GC secured their playoff status and have put an even bigger stage within reach, the Euro Club Challenge.


GC Players:
David Roegiers, Jochen Klages, Benjamin Eddy, Lukas Gebhard, Ima Poulastrou, Artur Von Ruffer, Luciano Ferario, Lucas Harte, Roman Richner, Max Oswald, Fabio Landtwing, Fabian Starsky, Fabian, Steiner, Philipp Nitsch, Hein Van Der Weide, Patrick Krüsi

Goals: Landtwing (2), Von Ruffer (2), Eddy, Oswald, Harte, Poulastrou

Coach: Facundo Quiroga, Facunda Harte, Ron